Saturday, July 13, 2013

Flight Service UA740 – Hilo to Kaneohe

In this mission you will fly from Hilo to Kaneohe Bay in a short charter flight to transoprt tourists for some holidays.
Product includes two separate set of flights (one for FSX, one for FS2004). Each flight set includes three Missions / Adventures:
  • A complete IFR Flight from Hilo International (PHTO, Hawaii, USA) to Kaneohe Bay (PHNG, Hawaii, USA)
  • A long Kaneohe Bay
  • A short Final Approach to Kaneohe Bay RWY 4 Visual
Two separate version are provided with the same setup file so you can use the product as FSX Mission orFS2004 Abl Adventure. Both missions uses real weather for a very enjoyable simulation.
Flight Service Series give you more realistic flight experience recreating real word ambience with new and unique features. You can really simulate a multi-crew enviroment with interactive briefing, checklist, Cabin Announcement and much more.
Visit the Flight Service dedicated website here:
Procuct Features:
FSX Version
  • Borbandier CRJ-700 United Airlines
  • 3 new missions under “Airline Pilot” category
  • PES – (Passengers Entertainment System
  • Custom Sounds and voices
  • Flight Briefing (route, weather etc.)
  • Cabin preparation (Frequencies, Autopilot etc.)
  • Step by step Check Lists Procedures (pre-start, taxi, before t/o, after t/o, descend, landing, parking)
FS2004 Version

    • FS2004 version uses Default B737-400 but you can use any plane of your choice
    • 3 ABL Adventures under “Flight Service” category
    • Custom Sounds and voices
    • Flight Briefing (route, weather etc.)
    • Step by step Check Lists Procedures (pre-start, taxi, before t/o, after t/o, descend, landing, parking)

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